Vaši lični podaci će se koristiti za podržavanje vašeg iskustva na ovoj veb stranici, za upravljanje pristupom vašem nalogu, kao i za druge svrhe opisane na našoj stranici politika privatnosti.

MARISOL Sinusol spray solution for the nose, 50ml

hypertonic solution of sea salt + rosemary + tea tree

MARISOL® Sinusol nasal spray solution is a medical device that promotes the elimination of excess secretions from the sinuses in a completely natural way. It improves the patency of the upper respiratory tract, reduces the feeling of pain and pressure in the sinus area, and facilitates breathing.

MARISOL® Sinusol nasal spray solution cleans the nasal cavities, relieves nasal congestion, sinus pain and headaches associated with these symptoms. Due to these effects, it contributes to achieving better sleep and reducing snoring. It also exhibits beneficial effects in cases of allergic rhinitis, relieving symptoms such as nasal obstruction, congestion and runny nose.

1 ml of solution contains:

1 mg rosemary essential oil, 0.5 mg tea tree essential oil, 23 mg sea salt


Hypertonic seawater solution (2.3% sea salt) reduces the swelling of mucous membranes and enables decongestion of the upper airways, reducing painful sensations. In addition, the sea salt solution effectively establishes the physiological function of the mucous membrane and promotes the elimination of undesirable particles from its surface.

Rosemary and tea tree essential oils contribute to improving airway patency and faster recovery from sinus infections, thanks to their strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

MARISOL® Sinusol nasal spray solution is recommended:

  • In cases of acute and chronic sinusitis, rhinosinusitis and allergic rhinitis
  • To reduce pain and pressure in the sinus area
  • To reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa
  • For moistening and purifying the nasal passages in order to prevent infection in people who are prone to sinus problems

Instructions for use: Apply one to two doses of spray in each nostril.
The spray can be used two to three times per day.

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