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Propovag 7 patrona

Propovag intim cartridges are formulated based on the natural active ingredients of propolis and extract of yarrow. Locally, at the application site, they stimulate epithelisation of the skin and mucous membrane due to complex composition of propolis (bioflavonoids, vitamins and minerals). Propolis has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties and is the most efficient factor in the fight against microorganisms, bacteria, viruses and fungi.


  • Propolis
  • extract of yarrow (Achillea Millefolium Extract)

Together with yarrow it has synergetic effect in calming the inflammation of the vaginal mucosa and in reducing the discomfort, such as itching, burning, irritation and odour.


Recommended for:

  • The protection of mucous against possible inflammation and infection
  • Inflammatory conditions of the vaginal mucosa (of fungal, bacterial and viral origin)
  • Prevention, for people on antibiotic treatment
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