Vaši lični podaci će se koristiti za podržavanje vašeg iskustva na ovoj veb stranici, za upravljanje pristupom vašem nalogu, kao i za druge svrhe opisane na našoj stranici politika privatnosti.


Powder form, ready to make hydratation drink for athletes, with natural tangerine flavour.

This drink is formulated as an ideal combination of glucose and electrolytes that provide optimal rehydration before, during or after sports or any other physical activity.

It has been recommended by the Anti-Doping Agency of Serbia.

How to prepare this drink?
Dissolve one sachet in water 500ml
Recommendation for use:
Take 150ml of drink , before training, during training and after training. It should be taken every 15 minutes in sips

  • it improves physical capacity during the training
  • it prevents the dehydration symptoms occurence
  • it improves regulation of the inner body temperature
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