Vaši lični podaci će se koristiti za podržavanje vašeg iskustva na ovoj veb stranici, za upravljanje pristupom vašem nalogu, kao i za druge svrhe opisane na našoj stranici politika privatnosti.


Dr Plant Dry Hand Sanitizer is an alcohol based biocidal product designed to clean and disinfect the skin. It is a form of prevention and protection against viruses, bacteria and fungi.

It can be used multiple times throughout the day, it smells good, does not grease the skin and does not dry it. Suitable for all skin types of children and adults.

Dr Plant Dry Hand Sanitizer has been registered as a biocidal product.

  • Ethanol
  • Panthenol
  • Parfum

Ethanol affects microorganisms by denaturing proteins. Already at concentrations of 8-10% it shows its effect, and the maximum effect is given in the concentration of 60-70%, while with increasing concentration the antiseptic effect weakens.

Cleaning and disinfection of hands.

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